Results for 'Fermín Donoso Espic'

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  1. La filosofía del derecho en Rafael Fernández Concha.Fermín Donoso Espic - 1962 - Stgo. [i.e. Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Universitaria.
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    Marcos Gregorio McGrath, C.S.C.: In memoriam.Fermín Donoso E. - 2000 - Teología y Vida 41 (3-4).
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    Nuevos aportes (históricos Y filosóficos) Par? La fürtuna de Vico en el siglg XIX espanol.Jose M. Sevilla - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:217.
    En su anterior estudio sobre la recepción de Vico en el s. XIX español, el autor analizó los casos de importantes intelectuales como Juan Donoso Cortés, Jaime Luciano Balmes, Juan Valera, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Alfredo Adolfo Camus y Nicolás Serrano. Con ello se cumplió parte del plan de desmontar la tesis frecuentemente aceptada de una "ausencia" de Vico en España. Este plan se viene a desarrollar ahora con una nueva aportación investigadora en la que el autor muestra y analiza (...)
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  4. Algo donoso pero no cortés. Una lectura diferencial del bifronte Marqués de Valdegamas a tenor de la modernidad de Vico.Juan Donoso Cortés - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:281.
  5. Ideario de Donoso Cortés.Juan Donoso Cartés - 1934 - Carabanchel Bajo,: Imp. del Reformatorio de menores de Madrid. Edited by Porras, Antonio & [From Old Catalog].
  6.  25
    Climate Injustice in a More-Than-Human World.Alfonso Donoso - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-16.
    The climate crisis has implications for the idea of justice. The paper explores this idea to inquire whether climate change wrongs animals and, if it does, how these wrongs are constitutive of an injustice. The first question is answered in the positive to then propose an answer to the second question through an account of climate injustice articulated as a problem of distribution of ecological space. On that basis, the general conclusion of the paper is that at least some harms (...)
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    Donoso Cortés, Utopian Romanticist and Political Realist. [REVIEW]Antón Donoso - 1975 - International Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):365-369.
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    Vocabulary, Grammar, Sex, and Aging.Moscoso del Prado Martín Fermín - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):950-975.
    Understanding the changes in our language abilities along the lifespan is a crucial step for understanding the aging process both in normal and in abnormal circumstances. Besides controlled experimental tasks, it is equally crucial to investigate language in unconstrained conversation. I present an information-theoretical analysis of a corpus of dyadic conversations investigating how the richness of the vocabulary, the word-internal structure, and the syntax of the utterances evolves as a function of the speaker's age and sex. Although vocabulary diversity increases (...)
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  9. Causality, Criticality, and Reading Words: Distinct Sources of Fractal Scaling in Behavioral Sequences.Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (5):785-837.
    The finding of fractal scaling (FS) in behavioral sequences has raised a debate on whether FS is a pervasive property of the cognitive system or is the result of specific processes. Inferences about the origins of properties in time sequences are causal. That is, as opposed to correlational inferences reflecting instantaneous symmetrical relations, causal inferences concern asymmetric relations lagged in time. Here, I integrate Granger-causality with inferences about FS. Four simulations illustrate that causal analyses can isolate distinct FS sources, whereas (...)
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    A mechanistic framework for Darwinism or why Fodor’s objection fails.Fermín Fulda - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):163-183.
    Fodor argue that Darwinism cannot be true on the grounds that there are no laws of selection to support counterfactuals about why traits are selected-for. Darwinian explanations, according to this objection, amount to mere ‘plausible historical narratives’. I argue that the objection is predicated on two problematic assumptions: A nomic-subsumption account of causation and causal explanation, and a fine-grained view of the individuation of selected-for effects. Against the former, I argue that Darwinian explanations are a historical species of mechanistic explanation (...)
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  11. Natural Agency: The Case of Bacterial Cognition.Fermin Fulda - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (1):69-90.
    ABSTRACT:I contrast an ecological account of natural agency with the traditional Cartesian conception using recent research in bacterial cognition and cellular decision making as a test case. I argue that the Cartesian conception—namely, the view that agency presupposes cognition—generates a dilemma between mechanism, the view that bacteria are mere automata, and intellectualism, the view that they exhibit full-blown cognition. Unicellular organisms, however, occupy a middle ground between these two extremes. On the one hand, their capacities and activities are too adaptive (...)
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    Natural Selection, Mechanism, and the Statistical Interpretation.Fermín C. Fulda - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1080-1092.
    What is natural selection? I address this question by exploring the relation between two debates: Is natural selection a mechanism? Is natural selection a causal or a statistical theory? I argue that the first can be assessed only relative to a model and that, following the second, there are two fundamentally different and independent kinds of models, Modern-Synthesis and Darwinian models. MS-models, I argue, are not mechanistic even if they are causal. D-models, in contrast, are mechanistic. A causal-mechanistic interpretation of (...)
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  13.  43
    (1 other version)John Dewey in Spain and in Spanish America.Antón Donoso - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):347-362.
  14. Agential Autonomy and Biological Individuality.Fermin C. Fulda - 2023 - Evolution and Development 25 (6).
    What is a biological individual? How are biological individuals individuated? How can we tell how many individuals there are in a given assemblage of biological entities? The individuation and differentiation of biological individuals are central to the scientific understanding of living beings. I propose a novel criterion of biological individuality according to which biological individuals are autonomous agents. First, I articulate an ecological-dynamical account of natural agency according to which, agency is the gross dynamical capacity of a goal-directed system to (...)
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    Figuraciones de la otredad en el cine contemporáneo de Mariano Véliz.Fermin Acosta - 2022 - Aisthesis 71:329-333.
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  16. Democracia y comunicación política: paradojas de la libertad.Fermín Bouza Alvarez - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:9-28.
    El artículo analiza algunos aspectos de la comunicación política tomando como referencia las elecciones generales españolas de 1996, a fin de reflexionar sobre la eficacia de la Comunicación Política aplicada y sus riesgos en una sociedad democrática. Retórica y democracia van juntas por cuanto la retórica es el arte de la palabra y la palabra es consustancial a la democracia. El problema es que la palabra ha de entenderse hoy como el resultado de un uso científicamente programado de la comunicación (...)
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  17. Una reflexión metodológica sobre la investigación en Comunicación Política.Fermín Bouza Alvarez - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:103-104.
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  18. Así ocurrió todo.Fermín Apezteguia - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):20-23.
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    Digital Literacy of Flemish Youth: How do they handle online content risks?Verónica Donoso, Leen D'Haenens & Sofie Vandoninck - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):397-416.
    The internet offers adolescents a huge window of opportunities, but these opportunities are not always exempt from risks. Indeed, many young people are nowadays confronted with spam, gruesome or violent images and content including pornography, drugs, racism, and even suicide. We surveyed 815 Flemish 15- to 19-year-olds about the online risks they have been confronted with and on how they cope with these risks. We controlled for digital literacy levels, socio-demographics and personality traits. Interestingly, our research shows that not only (...)
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    Electron extinction distances for muscovite KAl2O102.E. Donoso, J. Riquelme & E. Silva - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (2):485-487.
  21.  17
    Inclinación e imitación en el milieu cartesiano: bosquejo de una teoría del contagio mimético en Louis de La Forge.Mario Donoso Gómez - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):255-272.
    Louis de La Forge, partiendo de las sugestiones de Descartes, esboza una teoría de la imitación de las pasiones en sus Anotaciones al Tratado del Hombre que contrasta con los elementos que él mismo propone en su Tratado del Espíritu del Hombre. El análisis de estas dos obras permite la reconstrucción de dos tipos de inclinaciones miméticas sobre las cuales se asientan las bases de lo que en el milieu cartesiano va a ser considerado como un contagio pasional o afectivo.
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    Major Trends in Mexican Philosophy.Antón Donoso - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):668-676.
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    (1 other version)Stalinism in marxist philosophy.Anton Donoso - 1979 - Studies in East European Thought 19 (2):113-141.
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    Technology and the Human Condition.Antón Donoso - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (2):83-95.
  25.  15
    Filosofía y vida: el itinerario filosófico de Edith Stein.Francisco Javier Sancho Fermín - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico:665-687.
    Edith Stein (1891-1942) is a clear example of a philosopher, since she dedicated her entire life and effort to the conquest of Truth, of Being. The path she follows begins with her personal experience and her desire to find an answer to the existence of man. In phenomenology, she will find a means of confronting reality, free of prejudices. During her intellectual and existential journey, she meets a God that becomes living experience and quenches her thirst for Truth. She completes (...)
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    Ilustrar la tiranía: paratextos ícono-verbales en Crímenes ejemplares, de Max Aub.Gloria Ramírez Fermín - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):6-24.
    This work studies an artistic way of narrating an exile without having to resort to direct words such as violence or crime. Max Aub, a Spanish exile in Mexico, published his personal magazine Sala de Espera in Aztec lands. In the section called “Zarzuela,” he compiled a series of short stories entitled Crímenes, which later, for its edition in book format, he called Crímenes ejemplares. The short stories are a series of humorous confessions about various types of murders narrated by (...)
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  27.  13
    (1 other version)I, Robot.Fermin Martinez - 2005 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 5:5-5.
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    Três ensaios de bioética.Fermin Roland Schramm - 2015 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora FIOCRUZ.
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    Chronicity: a key concept to deliver ethically driven chronic care.Francisca Stutzin Donoso - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):447-448.
    Chronic diseases are the main disease burden worldwide, leading to premature deaths and poor individual and population health outcomes. Although modern medicine has made significant progress in developing effective treatments, only around 50% of people follow long-term treatment recommendations in high-income countries and presumably even less in low-income and middle-income countries.1 Health outcomes for chronic diseases follow a social gradient across socioeconomic groups, suggesting that the 50% adherence rate distributes unequally across social groups, affecting those who live in disadvantage the (...)
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    Chronic disease as risk multiplier for disadvantage.Francisca Stutzin Donoso - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (6):371-375.
    This paper starts by establishing a prima facie case that disadvantaged groups or individuals are more likely to get a chronic disease and are in a disadvantaged position to adhere to chronic treatment despite access through Universal Health Coverage. However, the main aim of this paper is to explore the normative implications of this claim by examining two different but intertwined argumentative lines that might contribute to a better understanding of the ethical challenges faced by chronic disease health policy. The (...)
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    Critical Pedagogies and Social Justice in Environmental Education: A Transformative Approach to Educational Project Management.Fermín Carreño Meléndez, Jose Raúl López Kohler, Marlon Javier Mera Párraga & Viviana Katherine Usgame Peña - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:132-140.
    This article explores the intersection between critical pedagogies and social justice in the context of environmental education, with a focus on transforming educational projects to promote meaningful social change. Through theoretical analysis and qualitative methodology, it highlights how critical pedagogies offer a valuable framework for addressing social and environmental inequalities. This approach fosters students' awareness of their role as agents of change in environmental protection and in creating more equitable and resilient communities. The results show that the application of these (...)
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    Representing Non-Human Interests.Alfonso Donoso - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (5):607-628.
    In environmental ethics, the legal and political representation of non-humans is a widespread aspiration. Its supporters see representative institutions that give voice to non-humans’ interests as a promising strategy for responding to the illegitimate worldwide exploitation of non-human beings. In this article I engage critically with those who support this form of representation, and address two issues central to any account concerned with the legal and political representation of non-human living beings: what should be represented? And what are the conditions (...)
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    Sobre el Holocausto y el problema de la representación de la negatividad extrema en el cine.José Antonio Mérida Donoso - 2022 - Clío: History and History Teaching 48:277-292.
    Mucho se ha escrito sobre la imposibilidad de representar el Holocausto como quiebra en el proceso civilizador. Sin embargo, la convocatoria al silencio pronto fue rota por una controversia de relatos que difieren en sí sustancialmente. Desde entonces, el debate sobre la pertinencia de narraciones de corte realista, melodramática o cómica, cuando no fantástica, su legitimidad o ilegitimidad y el uso de material de archivo en los filmes sigue generando importantes dudas a la hora de abarcar la representatividad del horror. (...)
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    Commentaries on Criminal Law Conversations: Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey, and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan : Review of Criminal Law Conversations. Oxford University Press, New York, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-19-986127-9.Alfonso Donoso - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (2):337-349.
    One of the first things striking readers of Criminal Law Conversations is its unusual methodology. The editors of this volume have put together 31 conversations around as many cutting edge and influential articles. This article considers critically some discussions representative of each of the book’s three parts: Principles, Doctrine, Administration and provide a glimpse of the richness and variety of Criminal Law Conversations.
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    La funcionalidad de la pobreza en el mundo Neoliberal.Marcelo Obligado Donoso - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (1):139-156.
    If neoliberalism can create subjectivities, then it also creates the poor subject. This article asks about the functionality that poverty has in neoliberalism, affirming that poverty served, in the first instance, to weaken the unions, then to create a constant demand for debt and finally, to enhance the discourse of meritocracy.
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    La idea de nación en 1810.Carlos Donoso Rojas - 2006 - Polis 15.
    Identificar el concepto de nación que tenían los hombres que decidieron la emancipación de la corona española implica un trabajo importante de interpretación, pues la evolución de dicha idea es un fenómeno bien conocido por los historiadores de los conceptos. En tal sentido, el presente análisis ayuda a comprender el contexto de una discusión nunca acabada, y como bien se señala en las palabras finales: “La Junta de Gobierno de 1810 debe ser una de las creaciones más originales de la (...)
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  37. La rebelión de las masas como sociología.Antón Donoso - 1992 - In Ciriaco Morón Arroyo (ed.), Ortega y Gasset: un humanista para nuestro tiempo. Erie, Pa.: ALDEEU.
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    Ortega on the United States: A View from the Outside.Antón Donoso - 1977 - Philosophy Today 21 (2):143-140.
    The Spanish journalist, writer and philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) had intended to devote a book to the subject of the United States to dispel the confusion in the European mind due to the "mass of puerile judgments that one hears pronounced on North America even by the most cultured persons." His work habits, illnesses, the civil war in Spain and the long conflict in Europe prevented him from writing more than two essays: "The New United States" (March 22, (...)
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    (1 other version)Reseña.Paulo Donoso Johnson - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:293-295.
    El presente libro se enmarca dentro de ciertas traducciones del griego antiguo al castellano, publicadas por Ediciones Tácitas. Este libro es la segunda traducción de Tucídides que presenta la mencionada editorial. La primera fue el Discurso Fúnebre de Pericles, a cargo de Antonio Arbea (2012).
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    (1 other version)Truth as Perspective and Man as History.Anton Donoso - 1969 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 43:139-147.
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    Niños errantes: la cámara como prisión o como puerta de salida en Largo viaje de Patricio Kaulen.Catalina Donoso Pinto - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:31-50.
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    La distopía del presente: apuntes sobre Jinete a pie, de Israel Centeno.Daniel Fermín - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (30):59-77.
    Este artículo propone una lectura analítica de la novela Jinete a pie, de Israel Centeno, que forma parte del grupo de obras, publicadas en los últimos años, que vislumbran un futuro distópico para Venezuela. Inicialmente se repasa el origen de la distopía como género literario y sus antecedentes utópicos, así como el auge de la novela distópica venezolana en el siglo xxi; luego se estudian las características de Jinete a pie, para analizar la construcción de una distopía que remite a (...)
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    1904 World's Fair: The Filipino Experience.Jose D. Fermin, Maria Socorro I. Diokno & Elynia S. Mabanglo - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  44. Biopsychism: life between computation and cognition.Fermin C. Fulda - 2020 - Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 45 (3).
    The computational metaphor of organisms as phenotypic automata controlled by a genetic programme has been replaced by the cognitive metaphor of organisms as intelligent agents making decisions about how to use their genomic and environmental resources. This metaphor facilitates novel ways of thinking about organisms that defy the assumptions of the old machine metaphor. But like all metaphors, the cognitive metaphor discloses important similarities at the expense of eclipsing significant dissimilarities. I argue that although cognitivism carries with it the crucial (...)
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    Nuevas ideas: la política ya no sólo es arte, sino ciencia.Fermín Galán - 1979 - Barcelona: Producciones Editoriales.
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    Bioética, riscos e proteção.Fermin Roland Schramm (ed.) - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ.
  47.  19
    El escotismo, ideario básico entre el tomismo y el ockamismo.Fermín de Urmeneta - 1993 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 4:39.
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    Derecho Romano en la obra de Juan Luis Vives.Fermín Camacho Evangelista - 1965 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 5:47-62.
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    Realidad y verdad: base metafísica y base noológica del inconformismo epistemológico de un investigador.Fermín Muñoz Atalaya - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:95-102.
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    El cuidado de sí como vía de superación a la subjetivación neoliberal.S. Claudia Donoso - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:37-43.
    El presente manuscrito intenta, a través de una sucinta reflexión, dar cuenta de cómo el cuidado de sí rescatado por Foucault podría ser comprendido como una alternativa para superar los mecanismos identitarios de control neoliberal, gracias a la relación activa que el sujeto desarrolla con la verdad. En el entendido de que el abandono del espacio de la norma y el conocimiento por parte de aquella, y su ubicación al servicio de la autoconformación del sujeto favorecería el desarrollo de una (...)
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